Patients with “designated intractable diseases” can receive treatment at Seitai Tanigawa for free the first time (Plan A ¥5500/60 min. from the second time onward).
We have decided to start this service in January 2024 with no set end date (we plan to continue during 2024 for now), based on an opportunity we had in December 2023.
Those with “designated intractable diseases” who have received our treatment before will also receive one free 60-minute treatment if they notify us.
The purpose of this service is to provide an opportunity and support to individuals and their families who are in need of various care and burdens, as well as to explore the possibilities of our treatment.
Many intractable diseases are congenital, hereditary, or organic, and we believe that it is difficult to have a direct effect on the disease itself, but we hope to help people to live their lives by trying to remedy the accompanying symptoms and improve the functionality of the body itself.
Of course, we are aware that there are various handicaps in the world, not limited to intractable diseases, but in consideration of the nature of our clinic's treatment, we would like to draw a line for the time being in the form of “designated intractable diseases”. Thank you for your understanding.
Tel: 050-3698-4890
Email: contact@seitai-tanigawa.com

① お名前
② 場所(岩倉/烏丸御池/出張訪問希望等)
③ ご希望の日時 ※可能であれば範囲も(例:○日の○時〜○時スタート希望など)
④ ご希望の施術時間 ※初回問診・検査の+20分を除いた施術時間
(⑤ 着替えを希望する場合は、「着替え希望」とお願いします。持参する場合は記載不要です。)
(⑥ 「特別な個別調整」を受けたい場合はその旨)